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Pramac Gas Power Generator - Exterior

We are Pramac Approved Installers & Service Technicians.
We can also advise you pre-purchase.

How Pramac GA series works

How It Works

If your power goes out, your generator comes on - automatically.

It’s really that simple.

The generator system consists of a generator and transfer switch.

The generator sits outside of your home or business just like a central air conditioner, while the transfer switch is located next to the main circuit breaker box.

Pramac Gas Generators - For Residential & Small Business

Pramac Gas Generator Sideview

 Designed for outside permanent installation.

 GREEN: Helps to a cleaner environment thanks to low exhaust emissions.

 Permanent connection to liquid propane or natural gas main supply of the building eliminates the need for manual fuel supply so no worries about the availability of fuel during an outage.

 Auto/Manual/Off illuminated buttons: Selects the operating mode and provides easy, at-a-glance status indication in any condition.

 Programmable seven day exercise: Operates engine to prevent oil seal drying and damage between power outages by running the generator for 5 minutes every other week.

 Also offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly operation providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner.

How much power do you need?

With the broadest product line in the industry, Pramac ensures the best possible backup power system for every homeowner / small business, and one that is right for you.

Power Managed Building

Power Management Gains More Coverage From A Smaller Generator.

Gain up to whole-house/small business coverage through smart power management. If it is unlikely you will turn on every appliance at the same time (most people don’t), a smaller generator paired with a Pramac powermanagement switch provides whole-house coverage through a managed power solution by managing the power requirements of individual appliances.

Power Managed Building
Power Managed Building Power Calculator
Online Soon

The Power Goes Off, Everything Comes On And Stays On.

Pramac’s full line of backup power solutions includes larger generators capable of covering every circuit in any size home for complete whole-house/premises protection.
Never wait for an appliance to take its turn being powered. When the power goes out, everything goes on and stays on — no matter how many circuits need to be backed up.

Pramac Gas Generator Sideview

Team One Group Know Backup Power Installations

 Installations need to be right and safe from day one. Unlike many vendors we have skilled and experienced engineers working with back-up power for clients as part of our core business.

 We are Pramac Approved Installers Service Technicians. We can also advise you pre-purchase.

 We are happy to install and service Pramac GA series gas generators anywhere in the U.K bought from other vendors .

 Give us a ring to answer any questions you may have or use the form below.

Pramac Gas Generator Control App

Mobile Link

 Affordable cellular remote monitoring system providing the status of their generator anywhere, anytime, using their computer, tablet or smart phone through notifications and an interactive website.

 Unlike competitive Ethernet solutions which will not operate during a power outage, Mobile Link is powered by generator’s battery, eliminating the need for costly UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

 Installation and setup takes less than 15 minutes.

 Lowest cost of any existing cellular monitoring solution.

GA-Series Range and Specifications

GA-Series range images

Pramac GA Series GA 8000 GA 10000 GA 13000
Rated Power (LPG/NG) 8/7 kVA 10 kVA 13 kVA
Voltage (Single Phase) 230V 230V 230V
Engine RPM 3000 3000 3000
Engine Model OHVI / 530cc OHVI / 999cc OHVI / 999cc
Natural Gas: Fuel consumption 100% (m³/h) 3.91 5.24 5.89
Liquid Propane Gas: Fuel consumption 100% (l/h) 5.70 6.99 9.03
Quiet-Test Mode Yes Yes Yes
dB(A) at Quiet-Test Mode 60 60 60
Guaranteed noise level (LWA) dB(A) 95 95 96
Noise pressure level @ 7 mt dB(A) 67 67 68
Load Transfer Switch 45 Amp 70 Amp 70 Amp
Enclosure Aluminum  (RHINO COAT) Aluminum - All Models
Enclosure Color  Gray  -  All Models
Warranty 5 Year Limited - All Models
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1218 x 638 x 732mm   47.95" x 25.11" x 28.8"   - All Models
Generator Weight (kg) 155kg 176kg 193kg
Maximum kilovolt amps and current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel Btu/mega joule, content, ambient temperature, altitude, engine power and condition, etc.
Maximum power decreases about 3.5 percent for each 305 meters above sea level; and also will decrease about 1 percent for each 6 °C above 16 °C.

Where to Buy

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  02380 529 200   Email

8, Northbrook Industrial Estate, Vincent Avenue
Southampton. SO16 6PB

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